So what are campaign signs? Well these are signs you see everywhere in the streets or even one that announces a yard sale. It doesn’t necessarily have to be about a an election. You don’t have to run for any type of office to have a campaign sign made. If you have an office for rent or a parking space for rent, you can have a sign made that will get everyone’s attention that passes by the sign. Another instance could be a yard sale, imagine you are trying to sell of everything you don’t need in your house or if you are moving, how will get people to come to your yard to start buying? Of course you can hang up little papers in light poles and other places that allow it, but if its just simple paper, it’ll be washed off by rain or even people tearing it down. You won’t do much advertising through that. But imagine having a huge and very professional sign made just for your yard sale. You can hang it up or put it at the corner of your block to drive people and attention toward your house. You will probably sell more and make more. is a company that can make you any type of campaign sign you need. Whether it’s for a yard sale, letting everyone know that you have a space for rent, or even if you are running for office. Candidate Signs is the number one yard sign company on the internet. And the internet is world wide so that is huge. They offer a lot of information on their website so if you need any information, you can check them out.
Well I’ll provide you some information that is on their site and save you a little trouble. They offer Paper Signs, Coroplast Signs, and Poly-Bag Signs. They have everything and every dimension to help provide you service for anything you need. If you order enough, it can cost you as low as $1.19 per sign. And if you don’t find your size, don’t worry about it because they provide custom signs as well. Well if you want to spread the word about something you want to do, don’t be afraid to use more than one type of advertising.