Phone cards are out to save us all a lot of money on our phone bills. This makes it possible for us to talk long distances without having to worry about paying thousands of dollars for speaking a few dozen minutes. Believe it or not, back in the day, it would cost a LOT to talk to someone overseas, well it is equivalent to a lot of money today even though it was around a dollar or two back then, but dollar value has declined. Using phone cards means you are using prepaid minutes. If you paid $10 for a card, guess how long you will get to talk and guess how much you will be spending? You will get to talk that $10 worth whether its $0.01 per minute or $0.50 per minute and it will NEVER, and I mean NEVER, go above that $10 limit because you only paid $10, the phone card company will only lose money if they let you use more minutes so it really does not make any sense and this is why you should take advantage of talking with phone cards.
If you have a friend or family member over seas and can go and talk for hours at a time and you do not really keep tabs on how long you have talked, then a phone card is right for you if you want to save money and if you do not want to over pay with your own phone company. Phone Cards Avenue has some of the best priced and quality phone cards available. Visit them at for more information on how you can save money and not over pay with your phone company. I have used them in the past and will keep on using them in the future. Have Fun Talking!