Today is the second month I have been to college and I thought I’d give you a little update on how it is going. Well first, it is AWESOME. College is full of new people and it’s all about making new friends and hanging out some old ones. This is where you can change your life and set aim to what you want to be. High School grades does not matter here. If you did bad at high school, this is your time to restart your life and show everyone that you can be better.
So far I have met a ton of people, had a ton of assignments, and I am still having fun. College isn’t all about fun and it isn’t all about work. It is half and half. You do one while you do the other and if you know how to manage your time like me, you can do those two and have a little extra time to do anything else. If you are thinking about going to college, make sure that you do, don’t let the college life and experience wait for you. Just go and grab any opportunity you get.