Do you need car insurance? You can look to cost u less student for help on that if you need auto insurance. They are now located in Northern California but don’t worry people, they are spreading fast. They are now conquering California with about a dozen or so locations and I hope they spread to the east Coast where I am located. Cost U Less kind of explains itself in the name. They are cheap and they are great, providing great service and insurance of course.
You can visit their site at and get a quote online but I do recommend taking some time later on to confirm your quote with a live representative later on over the phone. The last thing you want is an online misunderstanding that can cause you a bit of headache. But what more can you ask for from an insurance company willing to do all they can to give you great service and yet keep their prices cheap. And remember that they are in the California area near you, hoping they will spread outward and eastward towards me. And at this rate, I doubt it will take them too long to make it all the way to New York.