Getting marketing tips these days can be hard. People don’t usually like to share all their secrets. Why? Because when you share a secret, it’s not a secret anymore. I mean people will tell you some things about what they do to make money and what they are able to do, but you will never get 100% details. So what do you do? You go around all over the internet and look for blogs to get different tips and put them together. One example is Mind on Cash. You can get personal tips of what the author did to make himself better. What he did to make money off his websites and what you can to.
Imagine putting 100s of tips together and crunching it into one big tip for yourself. This is how people become great marketers and business people. If you sit around trying to figure out everything for yourself, you can probably do it, I won’t disencourage you, but it will definitely take a while. Just like the post on Mind on Cash called Do Nothing, Get Nothing, I am telling you the same thing, if you do nothing to learn and do nothing to get better, you will get nothing out of it.
Best thing to do these days is to take all the tips you can, even if its 10% of the info from what the other guy does. No harm in that.