Online marketing has become a huge thing for many internet users. It is a way to make money online while doing things that you love such as playing games, making websites, managing others’ websites, or even doing graphics. There are many other things that you can do. One example is with Blogs. Blogs are a rich source of backlink and it can mean a lot of traffic from that blog or search engines that index that link on that blog.
Some things you can do to make money is get into certain contextual linking programs that pay you to put certain links on your blog. It can be good and it can be bad. It is good for the buyers because they get rich backlinks from blogs, especially if that blog has any pagerank in the main page or the categories inside. Monetizing your blog shouldn’t be very hard. But you have to know that there are litterally millions of other bloggers out there that are in pursue of the same exact thing as you. You just have to learn how to get those customers and win them over to buy links on your blog. One method, offer very low price links at first until popularity rises or start out giving free links. Everyone loves free, they will visit back, and that’s a type of smart marketing.
If you are new to blogging there are many types of blog softwares out there. One example is wordpress, this blog is powered by wordpress. WordPress is very safe along with tons of plugins and different skins. If you are looking to make some money off blogs or just trying to have fun with your blogs, I suggest you use wordpress as a beginner. Good luck!