Well I was surfing around when I came across this site that can help you with self improvement by taking a simple test which can determine how well you are doing in your financial, health, and other aspects of your life. You can take this self improvement test anytime you wish and it’s not a test to be graded, just an evaluation and no one has to know about it if you don’t want them to. I took the test and I’ll share my experience with you guys.
Well the test is to determine if you are in the 2% of the Americans that set the trend for food, clothes, cars, entertainment, and other aspects of their life. The test took me less than 5 minutes and I found some of the questions amusing such as “I like me.” That made me smirk along with a few other questions. You just pick how much you agree with the statement or question given. They send you results via email and now I won’t share the whole thing with you but lets just say I did well and I enjoyed this little activity. Just set yourself to be one of those 2% of the Americans to control your own life and not by anyone else.