Getting information about the homes around your area can be crucial to keep things running and keep your neigherbood safe. Home Information Packs can help get information about homes around you. Companies such as RICS help keep the information up to date so you don’t really miss out on anything new. If there is a price change or if they have new tips and advice for you, you will be notified and you can carry on from there.
Well the last time the Home Information Packs were updated on the RICS website was on August 1st but that was the last update anyway. You can’t update something that doesn’t have any new additions to it. RICS also provides their members about HIPs, EPCs, and agency redress. But if RICS isn’t available to you, you can do research on the internet and find out if there are organizations around you that can provide you with usefull information. Keep in mind that information is power and the more you know, the more you will succeed.