A backup is a copy of the file, folder, software, or website that you have. They call it a backup because if your original file goes wrong and you can’t use it anymore, then the “backup” is there to back you up and run in the place of the original. Making backups are crucial for most webmaster and their websites. If you own a very big and active forum and you haven’t backed up in a month. Then all of a sudden, your server crashes and you lose all the information. Your month old backup won’t do much to recover your stats unless you lost just a few dozen posts. Making an Online Backup of your site is also smart.
Programs like IBackup provides online space for you to backup your sites and other files. You can even set the backup to an automated scheduled backup. Set it to do that once a day and see how much time you save backing up. Their servers are strong and they have backups as well so you don’t have to worry about losing a month’s data anymore. This is a reputable company with several awards under its name so this is my recommended website. You can get free space to paid space. But either way, make sure you have some sort of backups for your files, you don’t want to regret it later. Good luck!
note: post has been sponsored by PPP.