Hard Drives are essential and kind of very necessary for a computer. And today prices of a hard drives have gone down big time. There was a point where 40 gigabyte hard drives were HUGE and they would cost around $200 for just one internal one. Now 500 Gigabytes and even 1 terabyte hard drives have come out. You can now get 500 Gigabyte hard drives for around $100 or a 1 terabyte one for around $250.
I wanted to build a new computer soon as mentioned before and I wanted to set up maybe a 1 terabyte of space computer. I found a cheap 500 Gigabyte hard drive that cost roughly $105 with a 16 megabyte cache which is excellent for today’s technology. And the cheapest 1 Terabyte with a 16 mb cache HDD cost around $280 or $290. So I thought to myself, isn’t it more logical and better to get two or even three 500 gigabyte hard drives rather than 1 terabyte one? Yes it is and if you are in a situation like I am, make sure you do your research thoroughly.