Payday loans are always tied in with short loans. Well by short I mean a small amount of money was borrowed and it will be paid back in a short amount of time. By short amount I mean usually within a year or two. Beyond 5 or more years looks more like a larger mortgage and it is usually something people take out for a car or house. Well Payday loans are common these days especially with small businesses.
Small businesses take out these small loans in hope to make their business a little bit better. If you own a small business or you just need a head start on that entrepreneur idea of yours, don’t be afraid to take out a loan on that and if you will be able to pay that loan back quickly and you are taking it out for a short period of time, you can call it a payday loan. I guess you can look at it as the way that you are getting paid on a friday night after work, it is a small amount and you paid back for it by working that whole week. Have an imagination for this and your ideas and plans will all come to life.