I am sure that you know how how bookmark websites into your browser. People do it if they want to remember the current site later on or save important information. It is much simpler than typing the web address into your address bar over and over again.
If you have more than one computer you must know that you have to bookmark certain websites on all of them if you want the short cut. But now, this Bookmark Base software allows you to actually make your bookmarks portable. Meaning take them from one computer to another, from one room to another, from one country to another. No limits. This software will synchronize all the bookmarks on your current browser to the next and so on.
This Bookmark Base software makes it much easier for you to handle your favorites and save you time. Even if it is just little time, these few seconds or minutes can add up at the end.
wow good info here man – i finally visited this place again lol 😎