This again is when I go off topic and talk about serious issues out there. I have spoken about drug addiction before and where you can find a local treatment center to get help for yourself or a loved one or a friend. Drug abuse is very bad. I wanted to talk about this because I am a wrestling fan and two of my favorite wrestlers came into the seduction of drugs and have passed away. Eddie Guerrero was one of the best and most entertaining wrestler’s I’ve seen in my life. But his addiction to narcotics has caused him his life.
Don’t become those that are hooked on drugs and just give up their entire life for something that shouldn’t matter. If you can fight it, fight it. Ask for help. Go to a drug rehab program. Do something. Sitting there and just thinking that you can’t stop will just make you weaker and softer. The only good drug out there is called COMPETITION. It will only push you to do better and just be better for yourself. Next time talk to anyone about the risks of drugs and spread the word. Good luck!